Wednesday, April 10, 2013


My Book — Check It Out

Dyslexia and the iPad:
Overcoming Dyslexia with Technology

Dyslexia and the iPad: Overcoming Dyslexia with Technology by James and Linda Nuttall is about dyslexia and how the iPad can help you cope with school, work and life. Dyslexia affects one's ability to read, write, learn foreign languages, and remember phone numbers and names. The iPad is a great source of support for individuals with dyslexia. You will learn how the iPad can help you access millions of e-books which can then be read aloud to you. You will learn some tricks to make writing easier. Additionally, there are a number of apps which are helpful and fun for those with dyslexia. Do not let dyslexia defeat you. The iPad can help you achieve many goals. Dyslexia and the iPad: Overcoming Dyslexia with Technology is available as an e-book at Amazon Kindle Store and Kobo and will soon be available at the Apple iBook Store, Barns & Noble and Blio for $2.99

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